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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Course Reflection

This course “English Communications” is one of the most important courses that I have taken in the college. Not only because it teaches you various skills which will assist you in your academic study, but also in your future career. The main objective of this course is to teach you the necessary communication skills such as: How to prepare and run a meeting and how to present any topic to certain audience.

I, myself, have benefited a lot from this course. I learned how to run an effective meeting without wasting people’s time. To accomplish that I had to go through certain process like: make the Agenda, specify the aims of this meeting and how to apply an action plan. My role in the meeting was the facilitator “Chairman”, so I had to run the meeting and make sure that we come up with recommendations and creative results. Our meeting was very well organized and well prepared. Our teacher’s feedback was very helpful. He told us what was good and what could have been better. This feedback will help us to avoid mistakes in future meetings.

On the second half of the semester, we started to work on presenting which is vital skill that you will need it in your academic study and future career. We conducted two presentations (semi-formal, formal); the goal of first one was to focus on delivery skills: eye contact, posture, gesture, voice and visuals. While the goal of the second one was to concentrate mainly about the topic, however, not forgetting your delivery skills. Also, the objective of the second presentation is how to attract your audience’s attention and make them listen to your presentation. 

In general, this course was very interesting and useful at the same time. This course teaches you communication skills which you need it not only in the college or work but everywhere: in your social life and political life. These skills will let you deal with others professionally.

Formal Presentation Feedback

This report is about a presentation has been done by the students:  Saeed Alnaebi (H00155113) and Ali Alkatheeri (H00154993). The presentation took place at T002. The presentation started at 8:40 and ended at 8:55.

Saeed’s and Ali’s presentation was about the Global Warming. They introduced their topic in a simple clear way. They talked about this problem to show the audience how series the global warming is. They started their presentation with a good clear introduction. They also mentioned the points that they will be talking about in their presentation and proposed practical solutions.

They had a good start although they didn’t get the people attention so fast. However, they had good choice of words and nice language. Also, they mentioned good examples. They had very good eye contact and good gestures. Their visuals were good, but there was a mistake where they stopped the presentation and asked the teacher if the slide were working. Actually, they shouldn’t do that. Instead, they should have just kept presenting without referring to that technical problem so they don’t distract the audience. Another negative is that sometimes they look into their slides and they had problem with switching between points. The good thing is that they gave real life examples. They finished their presentation with a good short conclusion.

In conclusion, although they commit some mistakes, but in general it was an excellent presentation. They showed the effort that had been done in this presentation. Overall, both Ali and Saeed have a great delivery skills and my only advice for them is practice more and more.