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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Semi-formal Presentation Report

                On Dec 9th, 2010 I attended a presentation conducted by my colleague Saif Saeed Al-Zaabi (Id No. H00154890). The presentation started at 10:30 AM and took place in room J33. In this report, I’m going to write a feedback to his presentation from my perspective.

                Saif started his presentation by greeting the audience in a gentle way then he introduced himself to them appropriately. His opening was interesting. He began by asking rhetorical questions about his topic which was “3D Technology”. In that way, he attracted audience’s attention and then he started to define this technology and talk about it from different aspects. His transition between the introductions to the body was smooth and clear. Also, he used an appropriate transition when he moved from one point to another which helped the audience to follow him properly.

                Although this may be his first presentation, saif proofed that he has a fairly good delivery skills. He maintained eye contact with the audience to get the audience’s attention. He stood at the side of the screen which gave the audience a clear view to his slides. Saif used a note card to help him organize his thought but he wasn’t reading from them. Another good skill is that he spoke in loud and clear voice. However, there are some points that could have been better. His slides “visuals” weren’t that clear because he used dark colors. Also, he wasn’t clear about some point, he should demonstrate more and give some examples.

                To summarize, the presentation was well prepared and well organized. He illustrated his topic in an interesting way. Although he seemed a little bit nervous and I noticed that in his posture but, in general, his delivery skills were good as a first presentation. I’m certainly sure, with more practice and more effort, Saif will be a great presenter. As the statement say “Practice makes perfect”, my only advice to Saif is to practice, practice and practice.

Meeting Reflection

Our meeting was conducted at 08:10 am on Tuesday, 27th of October 2010. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss student success in the college. My role in the meeting was the chairman. Therefore, my job was to run the meeting in proper way. All group members attended the meeting. I started the meeting by welcoming the attendees and describing the problem. My task was to find possible solution regarding this issue by asking the team members to contribute their own ideas.

 Our meeting was great, well prepared and went smoothly. The opening and the closing of the meeting were professionally done. In addition, the meeting direction was very clear and comprehensible. However, there are some aspects need to be improved. I noticed that when we were discussing a point everybody agreed where we should look to it from different perspectives like one person agree and the other disagree for different reasons. Managing the time allotted for each point also needs to be monitored more carefully so we don’t spend much time on unnecessary ideas.

In conclusion, this meeting was a new experience for me. It was very exciting and I learned a lot from this experience. I learned how to run a practical meeting in appropriate way by being punctual and focused to the meeting purpose to save time. Moreover, I learned write an agenda and how to contribute an action plan. Form this experience, I have gained self-confidence and now I can speak in front of people confidently. In the next meeting I hope to avoid the mistakes that had been done and improve my meeting skills to have a professional meeting that accomplish its purposes in order to achieve effective results.